TRCA Electrofishing Data 2000-2018


This dataset contains the species fish caught using boat electrofishing along the TRCA Lake Ontario shoreline from 2000 to 2018. The fish are monitored for a variety of reasons including routine long-term monitoring for the Remedial Action Plan, pre/post construction monitoring, Asian Carp surveillance. Standardized boat electrofishing sampling usually occurs for 1000 seconds (effort) although there are often shorter/longer sampling times depending on the reason for sampling. The first 20 fish of each species are individually measured and weighed before they are put back into the water. The remaining fish for each species are measured together in bulk. The "bulked" fish are listed as individuals with an average length and weight (e.g. 27 Emerald Shiner weighed 36 grams; therefore, there would be 27 individual Emerald Shiners listed that each weighed 1.33 g).

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Dictionnaire de Données

Colonne Type Intitulé Description
Run_UID numeric
Site_ID text
Transect_Name text
Latitude numeric
Longitude numeric
Habitat_Type text
Year numeric
Date timestamp
Hour numeric
Efishing_Sec numeric
Species text
No_Individuals numeric
Length_mm text
Weight_g text

Informations additionnelles

Champ Valeur
Dernière modification de la donnée 14 Octobre 2020
Dernière modification de la métadonnée inconnu
Créé le inconnu
Format CSV
Licence Toronto and Region Conservation Open Data License V1.0
Créé leIl y a plus de 4 ans
Media typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Size9 504 364
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modifiedIl y a plus de 4 ans
on same domainTrue
package id93e6a388-f095-43d3-81df-5307003e436b
revision id31d2f9d5-9e04-4050-8779-848f8c132285
url typeupload