9 jeux de données trouvés

Licenses: Toronto and Region Conservation Open Data License V1.0 Organisations: Flood Risk Management

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  • Real Time Hydrometeorological Data

    Obtain real-time and historic TRCA stream and precipitation gauge time series data. Stream gauge data is measured in 15-minute intervals with water levels (stage) presented in...
  • Hydrometric Data Approval and Grade Code Reference Tables

    Hydrometeorological data collected by TRCA undergoes a standard review and correction process to ensure all data is of known quality. Data follows a multi-step correction and...
  • Streamflow

    Stream gauge data from TRCA real time and manual monitoring networks. Data represents preceding 15 minute average discharge (flow) in m3/second. Each file contains full period...
  • Hydrology Calibration and Validation Data

    Historic storm event data from TRCA monitoring networks for hydrology modelling calibration and validation activities. All timestamps are in Eastern Standard Time. Rainfall is...
  • Precipitation

    Precipitation gauge data from TRCA real time and manual monitoring networks. Data represents preceding 5 minute total (accumulated) rainfall in mm. Each file contains full...
  • Stream Water Level

    Stream gauge data from TRCA real time and manual monitoring networks. Data represents preceding 15 minute average water level (stage). Where possible stage is in masl. Each...
  • Active TRCA Flood Messages

    Get any currently active TRCA Flood Messages. Includes both Riverine Flooding and Lake Ontario Shoreline flood messages. For more information see...
  • Event Data - Precipitation Observations - August 7th 2018

    This dataset is a packaged set of rainfall data amalgamated together for the August 7, 2018 storm event. It includes preliminary data from the TRCA meteorological gauge network.
  • Flood Vulnerable Cluster Data

    Flood Vulnerable Cluster Study Results Currently defined as Flood Vulnerable Areas (FVAs) in TRCA’s Living City Policies, Flood Vulnerable Clusters (FVCs) are sub-areas within...
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