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This is a water temperature raw data collected during 2018 from the TRCA watersheds as per the Regional Watershed Monitoring Program (RWMP). The data can be used for various purposes depending on the hypothesis being tested.

Water temperature data is recorded in degrees Celcius, once every 15 to 30 minutes through loggers. Data is logged continuously throughout three seasons (spring, summer, fall) although some record year-round. Where possible, temperatures were obtained at the same Regional Watershed Monitoring Program (RWMP) sites where fish and benthic community sampling also occurred. There are 150 RWMP monitoring sites across the TRCA's nine watersheds. Water temperature data is recorded and various locations on a three-year cycle.

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Opis
ID numeric
LOGID numeric
SITEID numeric
Operator_LoggerID numeric
Operator text
Operator_SiteID text
Operator_SiteName text
Watershed text
Region text
Municipality text
SiteHabitatType text
Latitude numeric
Longitude numeric
Easting numeric
Northing numeric
ObsID numeric
LoggerID numeric
TimeTag timestamp
Year_Number numeric
Month_Number numeric
Day_Number numeric
Obs_Value numeric
QA_Code numeric
FileName text
ImportID numeric

Dodatkowe informacje

Pole Wartość
Data last updated September 25, 2021
Metadata last updated unknown
Created unknown
Format CSV
Licencja Toronto and Region Conservation Open Data License V1.0
Createdover 3 years ago
Media typetext/csv
Size190 889 490
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modifiedover 3 years ago
on same domainTrue
package id1785e637-6a45-4de0-8375-1116ffd05b2d
revision id0fb19479-2325-4c59-ba27-6aac91f3dd17
url typeupload