3 harvests found

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  • Precipitation Test

    There is no description for this harvest source

    — Organisation: Environmental Monitoring

  • Government offices that provide consular services to Canadian citizens abroad

    This dataset contains contact information for government offices that provide consular services to Canadian citizens abroad. The dataset also includes Australian and Swedish offices around the world that, by special agreement, provide consular services to Canadians

    — Organisation: Flood Risk Management

  • North America Surface Water Values

    The North America Surface Water Values point dataset contains the current water level and stream flow values as recorded by Canadian and USA hydrometric gauging station locations. Daily values are recorded as well as comparisons with historical measurements, including difference in values from the previous day, the mean level for that calendar date, the annual mean water level, and maximum and minumum recorded levels. Percentile values based on historical average for both water level and stream flow are also included. Real-time gauging station data for Canada is available here: https://wateroffice.ec.gc.ca/search/statistics_e.html Real-time gauging station data for the United States is available here: https://waterservices.usgs.gov/rest/Statistics-Service.html <iframe src="http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?url=http://services.arcgis.com/lGOekm0RsNxYnT3j/ArcGIS/rest/services/north_america_surface_water_values/FeatureServer/0&source=sd" width="100%" heright="500" scroll="no" /></iframe>

    — Organisation: Flood Risk Management