Flood Vulnerable Cluster Data

Flood Vulnerable Cluster Study Results

Currently defined as Flood Vulnerable Areas (FVAs) in TRCA’s Living City Policies, Flood Vulnerable Clusters (FVCs) are sub-areas within the Regulatory storm flood plain that contain multiple existing structures and/or roads for which a single, comprehensive flood remediation approach may be viable. These FVCs include Special Policy Areas (SPAs), as well as historical flood damage centres. For details about SPAs, please refer to TRCA’s Living City Policies. The FVCs within TRCA’s jurisdiction are illustrated on a map located in TRCA’s 2019 Flood Contingency Plan. Note that a FVC boundary is a general radius that includes a concentration of structures and roads within the flood plain. Thus, the FVCs conceptually illustrate these particular flood risk areas at a broader scale.

Dados e Recursos

Informação Adicional

Campo Valor
Autor Rita Lucero
Gestor Jamie Duncan
Versão 1
Última Atualização Agosto 20, 2021, 20:08 (UTC)
Data de criação Abril 21, 2021, 19:11 (UTC)
Updates Flood Studies in future may update or revise the clusters and associated attributes.